Wendy Smith
Crime Prev/Comm Programs & Volunteer Coordinator
Wendy is currently the Community Programs, Crime Prevention & Volunteer Coordinator for the Rocklin Police Department. She started her career at Rocklin PD in 1989. While working as a Record’s Clerk, Wendy met and married her husband Jamie Reynolds, former Rocklin Police Officer, in 1994. Wendy and Jamie have a daughter who is a graduate of William Jessup University.
Through the past 35 years, Wendy moved and promoted through the positions of Record’s Clerk, Police Services Aide, Property Clerk, Communications Dispatcher, Community Services Officer, Lab Technician, Crime Scene Investigator, Crime Analyst, Investigations CSO, Code Enforcement Officer and has been in her current position since 2014. Wendy obtained an Associate’s Degree in Administration of Justice, a Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Police Management and a Master’s Degree in Organizational Leadership. In 2020, Wendy received the Ruhkala Award for her exemplary community service efforts in the City of Rocklin.
In her current position, Wendy is responsible for approximately 65 volunteers. She enjoys giving Child Safety and Personal Safety presentations to various groups as well as volunteering as a Youth Leadership Counselor for Rotary and California Girls’ State. She also volunteered as a Child Forensic Interviewer with Placer County’s Multi-Disciplinary Interview Center (MDIC). In addition to serving on the Board of the Rocklin Public Safety Foundation, Wendy serves on the Rocklin Chamber of Commerce Leadership Rocklin Steering Committee and the City of Rocklin Employee Engagement Committee. She is currently on the State Board of the CA Crime Prevention Officer's Association and is the District 13 Director of the CA Crime Prevention Officer's Association. Prior Board service includes the Rocklin/Loomis Basin Rotary Club, Stand Up Placer, The Rocklin Friends of the Library and the Placer County Child Abuse Prevention Council.